Monthly Archives: December 2013

Living without fear.

I’d like to talk about health and how it is affected by thought. I think that the healthiest people are those who think the least about their physical health. The constant reminders that we get from the structure of our society, vis-à-vis our well-being, cements the idea that we are on the roller coaster of health, sometimes up, sometimes down, and always susceptible to the current ‘popular’ illness doing the rounds. And once you hit 50, ah, well, vital living is history and you’re on your way out. And underlying all of this is fear. Fear of what this little twinge means, or what the drug-producers are saying. Fear brings such black thoughts which are, so often, self-fulfilling. If we can conquer fear, we will find that our quality of life is better.

This is not to say that bravado is the way to deal with fear. What is needed is that we have to understand our way to a happy, healthy life.

An example of the effect of thought on our body is the well-known ‘placebo’ effect, where a patient is given a sugar tablet but told that it is medicine to heal their ailment and, lo-and-behold, it worked and they had a healing. So, one ignores the power of thought to their detriment.

There are many books on the subject. One has to use one’s intuition and constructive thought to find the book with the right message, the message that answers the question “what is life”? Enjoy your search.
