Monthly Archives: September 2014


What is power?  Who has it?  Do world leaders have power?  The Mafia?  Industry?  In a human sense, the power that these people or organizations are perceived to have is fleeting, as is all that is human-created.  True power, the power of Love, is infinite and everlasting.  And struggling for one-up-manship in a human sense, is missing the real point of life – to obey the two cardinal rules – love good supremely, and love one another.  This sets the stage for harmonious life.

Love is true power – it NEVER fades or diminishes.  And good is the power of infinite Love.  Or the infinite power of Love.  When we struggle and feel helpless or powerless, by turning whole-heartedly to infinite Love, and giving reality to all that is loving and kind, we will enjoy such a sense of harmony and serenity, the sense that everything is as it should be.  I have experienced this myself and it truly is a wondrous thing.  The challenge is to keep our thinking there so that we don’t regress.

Fear is another thing that tries to convince us that we are powerless.  Whether it is fear of a human being, an organization or fear of illness, this can paralyze us with powerlessness, and it can ingrain an acceptance of what we know deep down is wrong.  Jesus healed people struggling with physical and material situations, some of which were chronic.  Part of what he did to help people was to show them that fear does not really have power.  And, something I take so much comfort from – he said to us “the things that I do, you can do, also”.  Isn’t that an amazing, wonderful, beautiful thought?

My understanding is that, in order to achieve his level of success, we have to work to ‘have that Mind that was also in Christ Jesus’.

So, let’s work at being kind, loving, selfless – seeking the power of Love, and all the true goodness and power in the world is ours to enjoy.


As a post-script, allow me to clarify my view on religion.  I do not see myself as religious – I see religion as man-created and, as such, subjective.  I do not see God as an anthropomorphic being, but rather as the universal, infinite power of love and all that is good and the only way in which we can truly worship is by doing and being good and loving.  Now that’s true worship!





What an evocative word! For those of us of a certain vintage, and with an affinity for great music and world peace, the words of John Lennon’s song resonate like relatively few others.  They speak to a world that is not dominated by the material, by possession.  After all, possession is fleeting – we lose it, or our sense of it, here or when we leave here.  With all the evidence to the contrary, it seems so strange to me that people can think that the solution to our problems is material.  Material wealth does not mean health – physical or mental.  Wealth is a spiritual quality.  If people put as much effort into understanding and pursuing true wealth, as they do the material, this world would be a much happier, peaceful place.  By pursuing true wealth, I mean by accumulating goodness, kindness, good deeds, seeking one’s own happiness in helping others find theirs.  Of course we need to provide for ourselves and our family, etc, but we need to do this without losing our sense of harmony.  Our happiness is a natural consequence of doing and being good for the sake of goodness, that wonderful, peaceful sense of happiness.  And it should come from a joyful sense of the permanence, presence and peace of pure good and the realization that like brings like.  Our own peace is thus assured.  Imagine.


What is life?

Have we not all, at some time in our lives, wondered what ‘it’ is all about? Of course we have, but have we come up with an idea that we find satisfactory? I think most of us would have to answer “no” to that one. The way it occurs to me is that we arrive on this planet in a place and at a time that is at someone else’s behest. Now, for many of us, this is okay but the fact remains that we have had no say in any of this. I for one, would have been quite happy to have lived in an era when mankind did not have the capability to destroy the planet and in a place where folks were not at each others’ throats all the time. And, when one considers that, even if one lives to be an octogenarian or beyond, this time span is a very small drop in a very large bucket.

This got me thinking that this human experience is not, cannot be, what defines life.  I think to myself that, if life is defined by the human experience, then we are, indeed, in deep ‘do-do’.  There has to be more to it than this.  And there is.  If we can begin to focus our thought on things that are not defined by the five senses, as difficult a challenge as it can be, we begin to get the idea that thought determines our life-experience, and in order to have a much-improved life experience, we need to improve our own thought – “to have that mind that was also in Christ Jesus”.  This will improve our life-experience immeasurably.

When I mention Jesus, I am not talking about a religious figure but about someone who had such a deep, deep understanding of the reality of his own (and our) eternal spirituality, of the power of infinite good, who some of us, including me, call God.  And it was because of this understanding that he was able to do the wonderful things that he did.  And one of the most encouraging things he said to us was “the things that I do, you can do also”.  Way cool.

Food for your thought.
