The Five Senses

The vast majority of us live, at least in part, according to what the five human senses tell us.  The information gleaned is the absolute truth.  If one sees someone struggling with ill health, or an authority, such as a drug company says that “it’s allergy time”, we do not even begin to question these ‘facts’.  It’s real.  And, over time, these ideas become so cemented in our subconscious that the symptoms appear ‘naturally’, even though we may not be consciously thinking about them.  With the enormous strides that modern medicine has made, there does not appear to be a reduction in ill-health.  Why is this?  I think that we discount the role that thinking plays in our well-being to our detriment. There is such a focus on sickness that thoughts of ill-health embed themselves in our thought and suffering just pops out of nowhere.  Sickness is accepted as ‘normal’, an unfortunate inevitability.

But countless numbers of people, all over the world, have come to understand that this really is not as inevitable as it seems, and have proven that harmony in life is our reality.  And it is ours to grasp – to understand the truth of our harmonious nature.  If we look at the lessons left us by the best person to ever walk this planet, Jesus, and do our best to follow and learn from him, I believe that we are heading in the right direction. I don’t know that he ever said be Catholic or Protestant or Presbyterian, or follow Judaism, or Buddhism, or Islam, etc. His message was – be good, be kind, be considerate, be selfless, be forgiving, consciously love all that is good.  When we reach this understanding, we let go of the millstone of all that is unlike good, and harmony is the natural outcome.

Try it – think only good, don’t  allow any negative thoughts, as justified or unavoidable as they may seem, take hold in your thought, and see and feel the difference this makes in your life.



2 thoughts on “The Five Senses

  1. Bev Newsham

    I really liked these ideas, Zed! So interesting to consider what “Christianity” Really Is! I don’t think Jesus decided one day to start a New Religion. I agree, I think he just embraced the Highest Sense of Love and Truth and Life so that he was able to Heal. He taught us how to contact this High Consciousness ourselves and to be able to Heal ourselves and Others with this Consciousness. Maybe “Good” and “Love” are just names for God!

  2. Zed Post author

    Hi Bev, yeah, my understanding, too, is that ‘good’ and ‘love’ are what God is (and wisdom and grace and serenity, etc) and that when we worship God, we should be conscious that we are actually worshipping the practical love and good that God is, and not a remote figurehead. I imagine what the world would be like if we all embraced our practical God – beautiful. Zed.

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